FRESH Hacker News

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New standards for a faster and more private Internet 170 points by terrelln | 84 Comments
Visualizing Algorithms 15 points by diginova | 1 Comments
Wikipedia Commons Photo Challenges 11 points by andrei-akopian | 0 Comments
Spotify Is Down 7 points by doppp | 0 Comments
Hackers remotely unlocked Kia cars with just a license plate scan 8 points by taubek | 1 Comments
Register Allocation in the Go Compiler 66 points by jnord | 9 Comments
AI GPU Clusters, from Your Laptop, with Livebook 62 points by clessg | 1 Comments
Over 300 New 'Nazca Lines' Geoglyphs Have Been Revealed by AI 91 points by thunderbong | 32 Comments
Beyond the route: Introducing granular MTA bus speed data 216 points by Nelkins | 71 Comments
FRED: New Zealand open-access and crowdsource database of fossil records 113 points by teleforce | 9 Comments
Acousto-dielectric tweezers enable independent manipulation of particles 7 points by PaulHoule | 0 Comments
Ask HN: Why does current interest in retro computing focus on the early 80s? 37 points by amichail | 82 Comments
Mermaid v11 Is Out: Advanced Layouts, New Diagram Types – Community-Driven 24 points by mattsf1998 | 1 Comments
Fenfluramine/Phentermine 7 points by kamaraju | 3 Comments
BBQvec: An open-source, embedded vector index for Rust and Go 12 points by thunderbong | 1 Comments
PostgreSQL 17 648 points by jkatz05 | 138 Comments
RFC9659: Window Sizing for Zstandard Content Encoding on the Web 8 points by mfiguiere | 0 Comments
Apple not investing in OpenAI after all, new report says 61 points by gniting | 2 Comments
xAI's 100k GPUs data center in Memphis is up and running 33 points by mfiguiere | 7 Comments
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