FRESH Hacker News

Page 24

Melting glaciers force Switzerland and Italy to redraw part of Alpine border 17 points by yusufaytas | 1 Comments
ScreenToGif: Screen, webcam and sketchboard recorder with an integrated editor 30 points by thunderbong | 2 Comments
Britain paying highest electricity prices in the world 46 points by okasaki | 26 Comments
So Many Silver Landmines 14 points by surprisetalk | 1 Comments
Byggsteg – PoC simple fast deployable CI/CD system written in Guile Scheme 4 points by jjba23 | 0 Comments
'Three New York Cities' Worth of Power: AI Is Stressing the Grid 7 points by jonbaer | 1 Comments
Which .NET ORM – Dapper or Entity Framework? 3 points by damian2000 | 2 Comments
Show HN: PGT-Proxy – A PostgreSQL Proxy in 277 Lines of Rust 10 points by galeaspablo | 0 Comments
Unsafe Impedance: Safe Languages and Safe by Design Software 7 points by dan353hehe | 1 Comments
Ask HN: List of Windows Only FOSS Apps 3 points by fithisux | 2 Comments
Google Cloud files complaint due to Microsoft's anti-competitive licensing 156 points by HieronymusBosch | 104 Comments
Oracle owns nearly a third of Arm chip house Ampere, could take control in 2027 22 points by pjmlp | 0 Comments
Everything we know about spies is wrong 128 points by bookofjoe | 115 Comments
In the Shack with Robert Caro 29 points by samclemens | 22 Comments
Linux Phone Apps 9 points by cunidev | 0 Comments
An International Space Station Leak Is Getting Worse–and Keeping NASA Up 3 points by tomwiddles | 1 Comments
The Lisp 2 Programming Language and System (1966) [pdf] 21 points by susam | 2 Comments
Meta pays the price for storing passwords in plaintext 27 points by furcyd | 7 Comments
Penguin Tutorial: How Tux was created on a 486 DX2 3 points by Deeg9rie9usi | 0 Comments
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