Thank you for posting this guide, although I've stopped playing WoW, I would have loved to immortalize my druid with a 3D figurine. I think there was a service for this a long time ago but I think the cost for the size was the reason why I didn't buy it. Do you have any advice on how to paint a figurine? For some reason Warhammer 40k has been popping up on my YouTube feed and I've been watching a lot of Warhammer figurine videos. It seems like you need a lot of specialized brushes and skill to make it look nice.
by AdmiralAsshat
1 subcomments
I never played Guild Wars, but I would've definitely loved to do something like this for my Diablo 2 character, or Phantasy Star Online character, or any number of ones I put hundreds of hours into.
by jayd16
1 subcomments
I'm a bit surprised you need to eyeball the perspective. Shouldn't the transformation matrices be scrapeable, let alone grabbing the raw vertex data?