Ntfs2btrfs does in-place conversion of NTFS filesystem to the open-source Btrfs
179 points by Sami_Lehtinen
by the_hoser
6 subcomments
The degree of hold-my-beer here is off the charts.
by cryptonector
0 subcomment
Thinking of how I'd do this for ZFS... I think I'd do something like: add a layer that can read other filesystem types and synthesize ZFS block pointers, then ZFS could read other filesystems, and as it writes it could rewrite the whole thing slowly. If ZFS had block pointer rewrite (and I've explained here before why it does not and cannot have BP rewrite caoabilities, not being a proper CAS filesystem), one could just make it rewrite the whole thing to finish the conversion.
by Dwedit
1 subcomments
I would be very surprised if it supported files that are under LZX compression.
(Not to be confused with Windows 2000-era file compression, this is something you need to activate with "compact.exe /C /EXE:LZX (filename)")
by johnea
3 subcomments
Conversion from one bloatware filesystem to another...