FRESH Hacker News

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CouchDB 3.4.1 Released 86 points by katsura | 46 Comments
Eliminating Memory Safety Vulnerabilities at the Source 326 points by coffeeaddict1 | 188 Comments
Why I still blog after 15 years 487 points by lawn | 226 Comments
Ask HN: What do you use to backup your VMs? 71 points by bykof | 55 Comments
Software development for the DMT headspace 40 points by cube_flipper | 4 Comments
Ask HN: Why does current interest in retro computing focus on the early 80s? 37 points by amichail | 80 Comments
The Holotypic Occlupanid Research Group 31 points by ChuckMcM | 10 Comments
Show HN: Cronexpr, a Rust library to parse and iter crontab expression 159 points by tison | 32 Comments
The Case of the Missing Increment 3 points by klelatti | 0 Comments
Brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought 9 points by NoRagrets | 0 Comments
Scheduling threads like Thomas Jefferson 82 points by todsacerdoti | 25 Comments
Orion, our first true augmented reality glasses 1218 points by mfiguiere | 1042 Comments
Reconductoring: Boosting U.S. Grid Capacity Efficiently 73 points by rbanffy | 39 Comments
Efficient, groundbreaking hydrogen-powered combustion engine 8 points by simonebrunozzi | 1 Comments
EU privacy regulator fines Meta 91M euros over password storage 84 points by impish9208 | 38 Comments
SAML: A Technical Primer 216 points by ned_at_codomain | 91 Comments
The lost language extensions of MetaWare's High C compiler (2023) 297 points by PaulDavisThe1st | 101 Comments
Asteroid Ceres was an ocean world that slowly formed into a giant, murky icy orb 10 points by Brajeshwar | 0 Comments
X11-Basic (1991-2020) 93 points by akkartik | 32 Comments
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