FRESH Hacker News

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How to avoid a BSOD on your 2B dollar spacecraft 189 points by linebeck | 146 Comments
Japan's humble onigiri took over lunchtimes around the world 124 points by n1b0m | 75 Comments
Brain detects patterns in the everyday: without conscious thought 9 points by NoRagrets | 0 Comments
Forcing people to change their passwords is officially a bad idea 86 points by Brajeshwar | 14 Comments
NKRYPT Sculpture 247 points by goles | 8 Comments
Virtual Angkor 6 points by helloplanets | 1 Comments
ESO telescope captures the most detailed infrared map ever of our Milky Way 9 points by layer8 | 0 Comments
Efficient, groundbreaking hydrogen-powered combustion engine 8 points by simonebrunozzi | 1 Comments
System Intiative is generally available 137 points by jen20 | 88 Comments
Capstone Disassembler Framework 102 points by xvilka | 28 Comments
Walktour 4 points by r_singh | 0 Comments
AI bots now beat 100% of those traffic-image CAPTCHAs 26 points by thunderbong | 5 Comments
How similar were the MC6800 and MOS 6502? 10 points by SeenNotHeard | 2 Comments
When is causal broadcast not enough for causal memory? 7 points by matt_d | 0 Comments
J4rs – 'Java for Rust' allows effortless calls to Java from Rust and vice-versa 35 points by mindcrime | 2 Comments
PyTorch Native Architecture Optimization: Torchao 5 points by jonbaer | 0 Comments
Launch HN: Haystack (YC S24) – Visualize and edit code on an infinite canvas 326 points by akshaysg | 173 Comments
Ask HN: Why is ChatGPT so bad at electronics? 19 points by pera | 31 Comments
From Gatsby gridlock to Astro bliss: my personal site redesign 138 points by jwngr | 87 Comments
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